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Submitted by Julian Sunday, 13/01/2013

I should have trusted my Co-Rambler Torsten when we had the second bottle of this on New Year's eve. Why I thought I needed to dampen expectations on this and raise all kinds of concerns, I can't even remember. Maybe I was worried about the vintage, which is known to have been problematic, or I half-remembered a lukewarm review, or, and this is the most probable explanation, I didn't know what the hell I was talking about. "Not to worry, from what I remember, this will be pure peachy goodness.", Torsten said. "So you think it won't be too much of a disappointment?". "Julian, it's gonna be allright. Peachy goodness, depend on it". When I still mumbled incoherent objections while opening the bottle, Torsten countered with a curt, just ever so lightly irritated "peachy goodness". It was, of course, peachy goodness.

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