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Submitted by torsten Wednesday, 02/02/2011

In reply to by Andrew Connor

Interesting that you mention Burgundy - for that reason I focussed my recent post on an En Primeur tasting more around photos than rankings (although to be fair this was also because I don't know Burgundy well enough to feel I should join the ranks of those telling people what to buy).

Some tastings are more for getting a general impression, and in this respect Ravenous for Riesling worked for me - which is not to say that it would not have worked better with less wines and more space. Anyway, I think we agree on all points, the difference seems to be that you (perhaps rightly) took it more seriously than I did. I really am a "slow" taster, so am always more restrained when voicing my opinions on tastings with many wines.

If Franken wines were excluded because of the bottle shapes that would be very sad though - after all you can easily fill the wine into another bottle. We have done that in the past for our, much much smaller, Wine Rambler blind tastings and it really does not require much effort.

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