Bodegas Mauro, Mauro, 2004

Incredibly intense dark red colour, almost bordering on black. A nose full of fruit that, after a little time with our friend the decanter, opened up to combine redcurrant, cherry, plum, woodland herbs, leather, manure (just a hint) and oak - the latter is already very pleasantly integrated.

In the mouth it is intense yet smooth, a little spicy oak, mellow fruit, grainy tannins (quite enjoyable) - it is strong but you don't notice (in the sense of taste) the alcohol at all.

It felt as if this wine would gain from a few more years in the bottle, but it is already quite a presence!

Trockene Schmitts, Randersackerer Sonnenstuhl Silvaner Spätlese trocken "konsequent", 2007

From the winery with the silly name comes a surprisingly good wine: Complex, quite powerful smell of ripe apples and cantaloupe melons. A lot of apply fruit in the mouth, very ripe and concentrated, earthy minerality.

By the way, I caught on to them: the label says 0,5 grams of residual sugar are still in the wine. Shame on you. Did you think we wouldn't notice?

Bernhard Huber, Malterdinger Bienenberg Spätburgunder, 2003

Cherry red, with an orange-brown rim.
Phantastic smell, finest red berries, sour cherries, dry autumn leaves, a nice sour touch.
A bit morbid and smoky in the mouth, like eating berries by a wood fire, enormous minerality.
A melancholy, touching wine with secrets, like a trail into the woods ("down from the door where it began..."). Loved every drop of it.

Reuscher-Haart, Piesporter Goldtröpfchen Spätlese, 2007

Looks quite fizzy, lots of small bubbles, greenish colour. Fresh in the nose. Everything about this wine is very fruity at first, almost like an exotic fruit explosion. Also, it seemed to me somewhat unbalanced at first, going through various stages in a short time, sometimes emphasizing fresh lemony acidity, a little mineral, then suddenly grapefruit.

However, after two hours or so, everything settles down, the mineral gets stronger, the rest of the flavours order themselves around it and a nice and orderly German fashion.

Still very young, but quite nice after two+ hours with air. Especially for the price!

Zee Germans are coming ... to London!

In June 2008, London was invaded by Germans. Twice. And I was in the thick of it. It all started with an announcement by the guys from The Winery, one of my favourite London wine shops:

Ryanair allowing, two growers from the Mosel will be joining us for the evening, each top of their stylistic trees, masters of their dangerously steep slopes, each with global reputations. Clemens Busch, the dry Riesling guru from Punderich and Theo Haart, the fruity Riesling specialist from Piesport.

Let's spit out some more Australians (wine tasting, 19/04/08, Clapham)

I was excited to learn that Wines of the World would host a big wine tasting event on the weekend my friend Oliver visited from Munich. I bought two tickets and off we went.

The tasting was in a small hall in the primary school just round the corner. They had eight tables with wine and sparkling and a mixed table that had ale, cider and cognac. The whole setting almost looked like a school fair and we were expecting children running around and teachers giving marks for the best science project.

The event started at 12pm and when we arrived it was only nine wine merchants starring at us and a handful of locals. Two hours later the place was packed with the trendy Clapham crowd.