Wine Murder Series - generate titles for your wine murder mystery novels
Wine and Crime - what could go together more smoothly! If you doubt this pairing, have a look at our review of Ellen Crosby's The Riesling Retribution. It is a wine murder and mystery story and part of a series that contains highlights such as The Merlot Murders. A little while ago I discussed this with a friend and we soon realised that there are dozens and dozens of exciting titles for a wine murder series - and here they are, for you to pursue at you leisure.
0 && $choice==1){ # print "Yup...\n"; $phrase="The ".$wineword." ".$tmparr[array_rand($tmparr)]; } if(count($tmparr2)>0 && $choice==2){ $phrase=preg_replace("/\[$lettertofind\]/",$tmparr2[array_rand($tmparr2)],$templateline); } } #$line; $phrase=ucwords($phrase); echo "$phrase
The generator, programmed by Em Tonkin, generates titles for wine murder books. We fed it with a list of grape varieties, murder words and also titles of famous films that seemed to fit. The software randomly picks a grape variety and either inserts it into the film title or mixes it with the wine murder words. My favourite has to be "The Talented Mr Rieslaner". Enjoy!
LOL very nice! also works in
very nice!
also works in German:
Das Riesling-Rätsel
Die Suche nach dem Sauvignon
Das Merlot-Mysterium
Panik beim Pinot Grigio