Wine Murder Series - generate titles for your wine murder mystery novels
Wine and Crime - what could go together more smoothly! If you doubt this pairing, have a look at our review of Ellen Crosby's The Riesling Retribution. It is a wine murder and mystery story and part of a series that contains highlights such as The Merlot Murders. A little while ago I discussed this with a friend and we soon realised that there are dozens and dozens of exciting titles for a wine murder series - and here they are, for you to pursue at you leisure.
0 && $choice==1){ # print "Yup...\n"; $phrase="The ".$wineword." ".$tmparr[array_rand($tmparr)]; } if(count($tmparr2)>0 && $choice==2){ $phrase=preg_replace("/\[$lettertofind\]/",$tmparr2[array_rand($tmparr2)],$templateline); } } #$line; $phrase=ucwords($phrase); echo "$phrase
The generator, programmed by Em Tonkin, generates titles for wine murder books. We fed it with a list of grape varieties, murder words and also titles of famous films that seemed to fit. The software randomly picks a grape variety and either inserts it into the film title or mixes it with the wine murder words. My favourite has to be "The Talented Mr Rieslaner". Enjoy!