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Submitted by torsten Friday, 04/02/2011

In reply to by nd

Thanks for your comment and sharing that story. I have tried pretty much all Haart vintages of the last decade (though not from all vineyards), with the exception of the 2005. I actually found them all enjoyable at all times. It is true though that the 8+ year old ones have a special quality and balance to them. With the 2003 I did never get the impression it was in a not good-to-drink stage. I had both the basic and the Erste Lage late harvest last year and both were quite good, the basic one being more exciting though. The basic late harvest will probably age a little more, the Erste Lage seemed to be as good as I'd expect it to be - but in the end that is more personal preference and Wine Rambler smart talk than science.

Either way, I'd be curious to hear your opinion!

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