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Submitted by torsten Tuesday, 08/03/2011

In reply to by Heike definitely the way forward. It is not an easy business though. How do you get the interest of people to even walk into your shop or go to an event if they have no idea they might like it? You have to work with the wine trade, engage with writers (be they journalists or bloggers) and restaurants to get the message across in indirect ways and then think about luring consumers in with attractive events. I do actually have a few ideas here, but as a one man show (well, there are two of us Wine Ramblers, but Julian is in Munich) without a budget there is a limit to what I can do. Wines of Germany run a range of activities though and I hope to engage with them more this year.

Until the revolution happens and everyone starts buying German I will be happy though to enjoy world class wines at prices a little below top Burgundy and Bordeaux. Cheers to that!

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