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Submitted by Namri Saturday, 12/05/2012

I second your remarks regarding the Haarts. Last time I was there I had to stop Haart Jr from opening more than 12 bottles, because my schedule was in serious jeopardy already. I remember that he went to get an Spätlese from 03 and it was already great. I just wish I had got more bottles back then. If I am not mistaken I have a few Spätlesen and Auslesen from Haart's 2010 which I can hardly wait for. But isnt that part of all the fun?

Sometimes I guess there are those days when one thinks why try something new when you just want a sure winner for one's palate. That was my reasoning for opening a Molitor Riesling Kabinett yesterday, my first one from the 2010 batch in my cellar. And it was all good.

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