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Submitted by Kimberly Saturday, 28/04/2012

Sadly, you must have grabbed up the last bottles of Phillip Kuhn Kirschgarten GG at that price from Behringer und Sohn, because they are sold out. Also, a short google search showed that the prices of Phillip Kuhn GG have gone up for 2010 to 22 to 24 Euros a bottle and any 2009 to be found is also being quoted at those prices. :(

Another lesson to be learned - once the wine gets good (and popular) the prices start moving up. :( So now the question is: Is the 2010 Phillip Kuhn Kirschgarten GG worth the 24 Euros price? hmmmmm.... I think I am going to stop by my local wineshop, get a bottle and find out. :)

Thanks for the post!

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