Firstly, to add another pun that certainly must be among the most common ones with German wine drinkers, but which - shame upon me! - only today came to my attention.
As puns often are, it is cheap and short-legged, but good. And it throws a befitting barb at the VdP and their money-making marketing machinations:
In reply to Riesling versus the rest by Dingbat
Firstly, to add another pun
Firstly, to add another pun that certainly must be among the most common ones with German wine drinkers, but which - shame upon me! - only today came to my attention.
As puns often are, it is cheap and short-legged, but good. And it throws a befitting barb at the VdP and their money-making marketing machinations:
"Viele GG waren eher Grosses Gewäsch als Grosses Gewächs." :-)
(Faint approximation: Many GGs were rather big babble than big bottle)
[Originator: Joachim Kaiser in his wine blog here:… ]