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Submitted by S.M. Saturday, 05/01/2013

Hello Torsten

A rather interesting post to be sure, I started reading the Wine Rambler in mid-2012 so it was great reading some of your earlier posts from the past year.

What I found particularly interesting was the fact that from the same region, Württemberg you had that nasty Riesling Kabinett Trocken, but later in the year a nice Cabernet Franc as well. And yes its always disappointing when a bottle of wine from our home town or region fails so miserably, thankfully I haven't experienced it yet; but probably will one day.

Perhaps this shows that while us Germans have made strides of progress there is still a ways for us to go, and as you said if you've had an estate for 500 years then you'd better damn get your act together and do it right. Either that or get out of the wine business and stop pretending to be something that you are not.


Solomon Mengeu

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