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Submitted by S.M. Monday, 28/01/2013

No I didn't look up Liebfraumilch, no I didn't look up sweet Riesling or any of this other rubbish. I came across the Wine Rambler while reading Wine Searcher and it was a good find.

I think that although its beyond sad how most people come across this blog, but the end result is the most important; as if you get just a few people telling their friends, family members and acquaintances saying the following:

"There is a wonderful world of German wine beyond that plonk of Liebfraumilch, Black Tower and other rubbish. If you want to play it safe then drink Riesling in all of it's many hues and tastes. Then if you're truly brave try some great aged Spatburgunder Spatlese and have a real grand time".

Yes, German wine has a pretty bad rap, but let's not forget where other wine regions and countries were at 10, 20, 30 years ago and where they are at today. If others can re-invent and re-brand than so can we and we had better do it soon, before the South Africans and Portuguese leave us in the dust!

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