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Submitted by nd Sunday, 23/01/2011

Ziereisen was kind enough to hand out a demi-bottle of the Steingrüble 2009 when I last bought a few bottles from them (for the first time) - and I had already opened it yesterday. Admittedly I am not much of a Chasselas drinker - last time I had it was about 3 years ago at a wedding. And funnily enough, back then I thought I was drinking water. I wouldn't exactly say that Ziereisen's in the same category, it did partly remind me of my back-then-drink. Pleasant nose of apples, VERY drinkable, not a hollow mid-palate at all, but - as you already stated - with a rather abrupt ending. Like when listening to a good song on the stereo and someone abruptly turns off the music. Which somehow leaves me a tad disappointed. BUT - as a German saying goes - dem geschenkten Gaul schaut man nicht ins Maul.

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