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Submitted by torsten Saturday, 27/03/2010

Funnily enough, I just met the English friend who took me to Roast three years ago, and it turned out that she had actually read this blog post. She reminded me of a part of that story that I had totally forgotten about: we did actually have English wine that night, English dessert wine that is.

How can it be that I forgot about this? Well, after she had mentioned the fact the memory slowly came back, memory of wine that was floral and yummy at first sip, but then fell flat for me, lacking depth and complexity (of a good Riesling, for instance), which apparently is why I blanked it from memory. So the historically accurate version of that story would be that my English friends did not think that English wine per se should be avoided, they only thought English red wine should - how you could not want to at least try an English red on St George's day when the opportunity arises is still beyond me though.

Either way, it took way over two years after moving to London before I found people who were actually interested in English wine - and the first few were Americans, of all people! Even now I could only name one or two English acquaintances who do show an interest in English wine.

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