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Submitted by torsten Tuesday, 08/03/2011

In reply to by Henry Jeffreys

Americans can definitely make elegant wines; so far I have been most successful with Pinot Noir and Chardonnay, but there is also Riesling potential in the US, even though I have personally only touched upon it.

To be fair to the Kung Fu Girl Riesling though I should add that I recently had it as part of a massive Riesling blindtasting where it did a little better. However, this is one of the wines where I do enjoy the first sip or two, but after a while I lose interest. We may still have finished it on the day, but we did not have it with food and there were more exciting wines to look forward to.

I am still impressed by the successful brand. The style of wine is not so much for me though. Interesting to hear that your experience was similar, Henry!

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