take swabia out of a man. And why should you want to? Although I have more of an accent, you are in truth the more deep-dyed swabian of us Wine Ramblers: Think love of technology, think frightening levels of general effectiveness and organisation. Let's face it, if Kehrwoche were declared by Clapham Council next Saturday, I shouldn't be surprised if somehow a broom and mop brush should turn out to have been kept waiting and in perfect working condition.
You can take a man out of swabia, but you can never...
take swabia out of a man. And why should you want to? Although I have more of an accent, you are in truth the more deep-dyed swabian of us Wine Ramblers: Think love of technology, think frightening levels of general effectiveness and organisation. Let's face it, if Kehrwoche were declared by Clapham Council next Saturday, I shouldn't be surprised if somehow a broom and mop brush should turn out to have been kept waiting and in perfect working condition.
[video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADx52akIjLg autoplay:0]